December is Impaired Driving Month

As we get into the holiday season, we aim to raise awareness for National Impaired Driving Month, a crucial time to raise awareness about the dangers of impaired driving and to promote safe driving habits within our community. Impaired driving - whether due to alcohol, drugs, or other substances - poses a significant risk to all road users, and it’s vital we come together to address this issue.


In New Hampshire, impaired driving remains a serious concern. According to Laconia’s most recent YRBS results, the number of students who drive cars and reported having driven while under the influence has decreased from 11.1% in 2015 to suppressed levels (meaning data results were too low and could not guarantee anonymity with results). The most recent detectable number was 6.9% in 2019. This means that Laconia has been working hard to support and educate our young adults on the harms of driving while under the influence. However, in 2022, nearly 66% of crashes that resulted in deaths involved substances (WMUR, 2024), demonstrating the need for continued prevention efforts.


As parents and community members, you play a vital role in preventing impaired driving. Here are some ways you can make a difference:

  • Lead by Example: Always choose to drive sober, and encourage your family and friends to do the same.

  • Plan Ahead: If you plan to drink, arrange for a designated driver, use a rideshare service, or take public transportation if you can.

  • Educate Others: Share information about the dangers of impaired driving with your children and peers. Open discussions can help change attitudes and behaviors.

  • Report Impaired Drivers: If you see someone driving erratically, don’t hesitate to call local authorities. Your actions could save a life.

Together, we can make a difference in our community. Let’s work together to ensure that everyone arrives safely at their destination this holiday season and beyond. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to making Laconia a safer place for all.

For more information on impaired driving prevention, visit the NHTSA website at and the New Hampshire Department of Safety at


Holidays & Mental Wellness


The Great American Smokeout, November 21